Friday night I went down to the American Royal Barbecue. What a giant freaking party. We parked at Union Station and took the shuttle down there. I met a buddy Tim at his friend's tent. They were in from St. Louis competing in the open division. They were also selling "Scooter Coolers". Tim and Jeff went in on one and let me cruise around on it for a while. It was a blast tooling around on that thing. I ate some fantastic BBQ and drank a bunch of beer.

I slept in Saturday and then went back to the bottoms for a bartending shift. It was a wedding party, and these guys could party! They really went through some booze. The Father of the Bride had to leave to get more. It was a very crazy wedding. They tipped the hell out of me. Nice!
I got out of there around midnight and went over to the Tower Tavern for a drink (their website is supposed to be online by Friday). There is something about schlepping hundreds of drinks that makes you want one. Then, in walks my ex-girlfriend with some mutual friends. It didn't bother me that she showed up, but I guess just the fact that I was there bothered her. She jumped in a cab and I was told she headed for home. Can't we all just get along?
I closed the Tavern down and went home to shower. I was sitting on the porch after the shower and a couple neighbor ladies came home from the clubs a little tipsy. We stayed up drinking well into the morning.

I woke up Sunday and went out to the Ren Fest with my friends Larry and Candice. While there we attended the The Fabulous Feaste of Fooles. Larry is always the center of attention at the Ren Fest since he and the Queen are well acquainted. This year he brought her a gift of three copper Christmas tree ornaments. He crafted them from copper his company had extracted from the roof of the Nelson. He gave one to me also. Great guy. This year he had to share the spotlight since Candice and I were called to the stage on separate occasions to thoroughly embarrass ourselves.
Whew. I'm still tired. Good times. Good times.
1 comment:
One of our neighbors has a scooter cooler. His daughter rides it up and down the street sometimes. Max speed is about 6 mph, I think.
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