Here is where I'll be. Why don't you join me?
Friday night at 5 is the smoke-out at Stroud's north. Join us in celebrating the last day of smoking in this northland destination. After that I'm gunna scadadle on down Toby Keith's. My friend Shannon is having a birthday celebration. Yeee Haw..... get along little doggies!
Saturday some local bloggers are a meet'n at the Harvesters for some good ol' helping out. It will take place from 1pm-4pm. Be there cowpoke. After that it's a ho-down in the West Bottoms for a night of bartend'n. It chaps my hide I have to miss the big Mizzou game. M-I-Z..... say it.... Z-O-U!
Sunday let's mosey on down to the Tower for a game on the picture box. After the game we can gitty up to Jardine's for the debut of Todd Wilkinson's newest band "The Goombahles". He says their hot.... you can bet your boots they are.
Well... that's the plan. What about you?
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