It has been a busy week.
Tuesday I attended the 2007 inductions into the
Kansas City Elder Statesmen of Jazz. I couldn't believe this event was entirely overlooked by the local media. WTF? After the inductions we went to Anthony's downtown. I guess this is our favorite hangout as of late. After dinner I drove a whole half-block to meet Teddy at his place downtown,
Arun. We sat at the bar drinking and talking until sometime in the morning.
Wednesday a big group of us met at
Kelly's in Westport for the annual Gobble-Off. Gobbling for prizes is good clean fun. The event is put on by Jeff's Uncle Paul, and held the night before Thanksgiving every year. Be there next year. You'll be glad you went.
Thursday the family met at the
Golden Ox. We were hesitant to go back since we had each experienced horrible service and inedible food recently. We heard the place changed ownership yet again so we decided to risk it. I'm glad we did. The service was much better and the food was excellent. Of course we all had beef. The folks had the strip, I had the Prime Rib. It was one of the best cuts of meat I have had in a long time. Man.... those cheesy potatoes are awesome! The Ox is back!
Friday I tended bar at a Mizzou rally party. The party was held at the home of a very prominent ex-CEO of a giant, local telecommunications company. It was definitely the biggest house I have ever been in. The event was complete with valet parking and personalized name tags given at the door bearing the Mizzou Tiger logo. Among the attendees were
Carl Peterson and the Athletic Director for the University of Missouri,
Mike Alden. It was a veritable who's-who of who cares. The host insisted that no cola or red wine be served for fear his carpet might be stained. His severance pay is valued as high as 55.5 million and he is worried about coke on his carpets? And of course...... I didn't get a tip.
Saturday was the
Border War at Tower Tavern! It was crazy in there. We did a little boozing. Missouri to Kansas.........
suck it!