Occasionally I have a true "hankering" for a good Philly Steak Sandwich. This "hankering" usually coincides with me watching "Rocky" or an episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Recently, my Philly obsession was spurred by watching the Cardinals match up against the Phillies this week. Ummmm! Phillies.
Just one problem for a KC dweller... where to go for a good, juicy Philly at a reasonable price? I stumbled upon PhillyTime in the Briarcliff Village area of North KC and this fast food-esque joint provided my Philly fix. (Site wasn't working but it is supposed to be phillytimekc.com).
Relatively economical with most Philly's coming in at $6.99, this place provides some good grub. As you stare out the window at the newly constructed "stores for the elite" in Briarcliff you won't exactly be transported to the take out line at "Geno's" (or "Pat's" if you like that joint better), but you will get a good, juicy, cheese dripping, mushroom stacked Philly.
Try Westport Flea Market. Awesome Philly!
I don't know how authentic it is, but I like the Philly Steak Sandwich at Harry's Country Club.
I have read grinders was pretty good and down south on 77th & Troost there is a place that has been there for years. Sorry I cannot think of the name to save my life.
@lucius0729... It's called Steak'em Take'em... pretty good. Been around a long time. And pretty good. I don't know how authentic, but very tasty. Thanks.
@Anonymous... WTF? You like that?
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