Good food is for all seasons. As the the Chiefs begin to tank the new season and the Royals mercifully end yet another summer of distress, my palate turns towards what makes Kansas City meals special. I experienced some of that great culinary excellence at a recent Harvesters fundraiser at Union Station.
This Chef-inspired event featured great dishes from a variety of local eateries and country clubs (with an impressive of showing from Johnson County locations) left me stuffed and also feeling good about helping a local charity. This charity is truly KC oriented. And it's winning unlike the local sport's scene.
The point is two-fold. One, we have a great charity here at home that helps those in our city. Not some national program that supports those on a national scale (not that there's anything wrong with that), but one that has a real impact on those that live and work amongst all of us.
Secondly, our local culinary scene is superb. The event featured a 20 minute cook-off challenge featuring among others Michael Smith. Say what you want about his respective restaurants (I happen to like Extra Virgin and Michael Smith's) but the man is talented.
So as we fall into fall, remember to support your local food joints. KC can be proud of the talent we have locally. And maybe someday the same can be said of the Royals.